Syrian Christians for Democracy is dedicated to reporting on the violence perpetrated by the Assad regime against its people, be they Christian or Muslim. We strive to represent the interests of the Christian community within Syria vis-à-vis the rest of the Syrian population and the international community
While SCD supports the international press’ efforts to report on and tell the story of the revolution in Syria, it emphasizes the importance of verifying the truthfulness and accuracy of all stories prior to their publication
To further investigate these claims, SCD contacted the “Al-Farooq” brigade of the Free Syrian Army, currently stationed in the outskirts of the city of Homs. The brigade’s spokesperson, Lieutenant Abdel Ruzzak Tlas, was decisive as he indicated on the city map exactly how his men retreated from the “Al-Hamidiye” district weeks before the alleged attacks on the Christians happened. According to Lieutenant Tlas, the “Al-Farooq” brigade left that area when it could no longer defend the remaining civilians from the incoming military onslaught. “The neighborhood has been since a playground for Assad’s troops”, Lieutenant Tlas added. He ended by promising the Christians of Homs that their homes and properties will be returned to their possession once his brigade liberates the city from Assad’s men
As pertains to the attacks on the Christians in Aleppo, it is with great grievance and regret that SCD looks on the bombing of the Center of Catechesis at the Church of St. Bonaventure. SCD would like to reiterate its support for the Christians of Aleppo and its most profound admiration for their endeavors. SCD also cautions strongly against unfounded rumors and propaganda intended to incriminate the opposition and excuse the Assad regime from any responsibility. There is no evidence or motivation at the time being linking the revolution activists to the horrific crime, and unfounded accusations only serve to divide the opposition and weaken its cause
The source of this misinformation campaign can be traced back almost exclusively to the controversial figure of Mother Agnes Mary of the Cross, head of the Catholic Media Center in Damascus. Mother Agnes maintains close ties to the Assad and Makhlouf families who use the Catholic Media Center to organize press events and trips to Syria for a handpicked group of European journalists from the “Reseau Voltaire” media group. Several independant media sources in Syria have accused Mother Agnes of feeding her guest reporters distorted facts and fake testimonies for the sole purpose of tarnishing the opposition’s image. Her credibility is further put in question by her statements at a press conference organized in November 2011, published on the website of the French newspaper “Le Monde.” Mother Agnes confessed that her information came from Syrian intelligence officers who escorted her and her foreign guest reporters during their travels inside Syria
Mother Agnes and those helping her are harming the Syrian people by disseminating negative pro-Assad propaganda and tearing at Syria’s social and religious fabrics. The strength of the revolution has been in the unity of Syria’s religious groups within it, striving towards a common cause. The presence of Jesuit friars in Homs to provide humanitarian assistance to the remaining population in the city is incredibly heroic and brave, and is a true testimony to the unity of the popular movement against the Assad regime and the positive role the Christian clergy is playing. The Jesuits’ efforts in Homs must be met with every type of support possible from the international community
The Christians in Syria, as well as the rest of the population, are in need of undivided support, backing, and funding. They do not need divisive rumors and the propagation of inaccurate information. SCD is happy to verify any reports on events or actions pertaining to the Christian opposition in Syria